Thursday, 30 June 2011

Birmingham Hippodrome - Exclusive Theatre Gossip!

The other week I got a general email from the Birmingham Hippodrome requesting people interested in getting involved writing reviews and blogging for the the theatre. I instantly hit the reply button telling them I would do anything they want me to... It worked!

Now I am a First Night Reviewer for the theatre. After our first meeting yesterday we already have lots of exciting plans ahead.

I'll be filming and blogging from their "Six Summer Saturdays" events which take place around the city for six Saturdays over the summer. Lots of events are taking place, which I get to go to an exciting preview of next week... I'll be sure to report on what to expect!

In the meantime check it out here...
Six Summer Saturday's Link

In addition to that, I'll be working with theatre to report back on some of their top shows including reviews from the Press Night of "We Will Rock You", all the gossip from the press launch of the UK Tour of "Dirty Dancing" and lots more...

The Hippodrome has it's own blog, letting you know what goes on behind the scenes which you can view HERE.

But, if you want all the extra gossip The City Dream's the place to be!

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